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Human Rights Council, Seventh Session
3-28 March 2008, Geneva
Number 2

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Several representatives of UNPO Members have attended the end of the first week of the UNHRC.
Notably, Mr. Munawar Laghari, who features in another article in this Monitor, attended the UN HRC to lobby on behalf of the Sindh. But also Mr. Mariqueo of the Mapuche and two delegates of the Oromo have attended the beginning of the session to lobby their causes. Other representatives are expected to attend as the session continues.

Mr. Munawar Laghari met UNPO General Secretary Mr. Marino Busdachin in an informal meeting alongside the UNHRC on Friday 7 March 2008. They discussed various issues relating to the recent membership within UNPO of the Sindh. Mr. Laghari was present at the UNHRC to lobby on a number of issues affecting the Sindh. Food shortages, marginalization of Sindh and a lack of respect for human rights by Pakistan’s President Musharraf stood high on his agenda and he pointed out the arbitrary detention and torture of Dr. Safdar Sarki - a Sindhi human rights activist, who holds a US passport.

According to reports, he was arrested by Pakistani forces in 2006 and has detained without charge ever since. Despite the seriousness of Mr. Sarki’s fate, the issue has not been given sufficient attention at the UNHRC, according to Mr. Laghari.