Taxpayer Money Paid to Pakistan for War On Terror Is
Being Used to Support Terror, Apr 29, 2008,
BBC Urdu (in Urdu): Summary in English below:
- According to official Pakistan sources, reported
by BBC Urdu Service, Top Taliban Commander Mullah
Nazir and his 134 four Taliban supporters have been
paid more then RS 20 Crore ($ 4 Million) in Waziristan,
- The government also paid a huge sum as compensation
to the family of Killed Taliban Commander Naik Mohammed
but the family is demanding more compensation.
- Money was paid to Taliban without proper procedures
or evidence; there is a high probability that these
vast sums of money will be used by Taliban against
ISAF forces in Afghanistan.
- The report also reveals that Peshawar Corps Commander
paid senior Taliban Commanders more then Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars to repay Al-Qaeda loans.