BSO-NA strongly condemn the act of burrying
women alive.
Baloch Society of North America (BSO-NA)
condemn this heinous act in
the strongest terms possible. Let it be
crystal clear that there is no such tradition
exists in Balochistan to bury girls or anyone
alive. Baloch people have
a great respect for women. Dr. Shazia
Khalid's example in front of us. If Senator
Zehri have said it then it should be considered
as part of his own personal belief and family
traditions and this has nothing to do
with Baloch traditions. No Baloch can
ever think of killing or burrying their girls
Baloch being under
the occupation have no power to prevent these
isolated crimes or punish the perpetartors
of such crimes. This is the State's responsiblity
to protect its
citizens and arrest the criminals, but as we
have seen, Pakistan being
a failed State ,
have always protected the criminals instead of
victims, as we have seen it in the case
of Dr.
Shazia Khalid and Mukhtaran
Mai . The perpetrators were not only protected
by Pakistani laws but were granted immunity
by the head of State Gen Musharrf, (in Dr.
Shazia case Vs. Rapist Captin Hammad).
question is why there is hue
and cry in Pakistani Punjabi dominated
parliament and media over this isolated
incident but are no word on the ongoing military
operation in Balochistan and State
brutality against the Baloch people in which
thousands Baloch have been killed including
women and chilrdren and many bugtis were burnt
We know why the State Media and Pakistani
Punjabi dominated parliament is over reacting
to this incident, becasue they want to use this
to cover up the Pakistani military crimes that
are being comitted against the Baloch
people and to divert the attention of people
of pakistan from the ongoing military operation
in Balochistan, impeachment of Musharrf and
his gang for the crimes
committed against humanity and
the re-instatement of Judges.
Wahid Baloch
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO-NA),
1629 K Street NW, Suit 300
Washington D.C 20036 USA
Tel: (202) 349-1682
Fax: (202) 331-3759