Bombardment of Balochistan, Iran, on 11, 12,
13 October 08 by Iranian forces
Reza Hossein Borr
After visiting his uncle, Nader Baloch began
walking towards his home. He saw a huge smoke
and fire was coming from the neighborhood where
he lived with his parents. As he moved closer
he realised that the smoke was coming from his
own home. A large number of people gathered in
the neighborhood. The Iranian security forces
had surrounded his home to arrest his brother
but since they found the iron door locked, the
security forces climbed over the roof and poured
few gallons of oil from the chimney in the main
room and set fire on it. His parents, sisters
and brothers were there when it was set on fire.
All of them were burned to death as if they were
in hell.
Some of the people, who knew the family, took
Nader away to comfort him. He was 17 years old
at that time. He took the death of his parents
and sisters and brothers with considerable grace
and dignity. While he was shaking quietly he
watched his home and his family burning. When
it was all over, one of his relatives took him
to his own home and kept him there for few nights.
Everything he had was gone. Nothing left except
a burnt home and a burning desire to take revenge.
He left after a few days to find the People's
Resistance Movement of Iran . He joined them
without hesitation. He participated in as many
military training as he could get. What he had
seen when his family was burnt and when he watched
several members of his tribe who were hanged
in the main streets of the city, made him a person
of Iron will.
His older brother was a university student.
His parents worked very hard to pay for his tuition
and expenses. One day he was summoned to university
security department. He was accused of participating
in printing and distributing a statement which
revealed discrimination against Baloch students.
He asserted that there were institutionalized
discrimination against Baloch students and then
referred to the official statistics of universities
which demonstrated that there were less than
2000 Baloch students in the province of Baluchistan
while there were 73,000 students in its universities.
He said the majority of the Baloch children were
not allowed to go to universities and the government
deliberately brought students from other provinces
into Baluchistan. This statement was enough to
fire him from the university.
He protested against his dismissal. He wrote
letters of complaint to the governor and all
other high officials of the country. He believed
that he can get back his university seat by civil
campaign. His letters to high officials were
referred to the security forces for examination.
The security forces forged some accusations against
him that he was a member of armed groups. They
attacked his home to arrest him. This was how
Nader's brother was burnt to death.
Nader's case is a typical case of thousands
of Baloch people . They get discriminated against
and when they protest they will be accused of
being members of gangs of drug traffickers or
armed groups. Whoever has raised his voice against
any government official in Baluchistan has been
accused of being a member of a rebel group or
drug trafficking gang.
Yaqoub Mehrnehad who was the first weblog writer
in Iran that was executed by the Islamic Republic
of Iran was the leader of a civil society association
in Balochistan. He was a great supporter of civil
and peaceful campaigning. He encouraged armed
groups to throw away their weapons and join the
Iranian civil society. He was arrested and executed
few months ago. The dissidents in Baluchistan
have been executed after being falsely accused
of drug trafficking or armed robbery . All of
them have showed symptoms of severe torture.
It was in such circumstances that the People's
Resistance Movement of Iran, Jondollah, began
its armed struggle few years ago. The relatives
of the most of the members were victimized by
the Islamic Republic of Iran on fabricated charges
and executed in public. Now this organization
is the leading rebel group in Baluchistan seeking
the rights of the Baloch and all Iranians in
a democratic system. It is well organised and
extremely disciplined. It has carried out successfully
several armed attack on the Iranian security
forces. Its attacks have been 100% successful.
There is no another guerilla group with such
high level of success. There has never been.
One group of its military wing was on their
way to a mission when they suddenly came face-to-face
with a large number of security forces on 11
October 08. As Nowrouzi, the spokesman of the
Iranian security forces, announced a full war
began between the two sides which continued for
three days. The security forces who realised
they were fighting very skilful fighters demanded
support and hundreds of revolutionary guards
were sent to the conflict zone between Zahedan
and Kerman . Kobra helicopters of revolutionary
guards were immediately summoned to bombard the
area. Dozens of villages were destroyed. Thousands
of sheep, cows, camels and goats were killed.
A large number of people who lived in the area
left their homes and escaped. Dozens of them
were killed.
The war between the two sides ended after three
days. People's Resistance Movement of Iran claimed
that 100 members of the security forces have
been killed. They also claimed that they shot
down one helicopter. The following picture indicates
the credibility of their claim.
helicopter was shot down on 12 October, 08 in
the North-West of Balochistan.
They also announced that four members of their
group have been keen killed. The security forces
tried to black out the news about the event.
After a few days they announced that there was
a major armed clash with Baloch forces and released
the pictures of four members of the PRMI, Jondollah,
that were killed. They are believed to be among
top military commanders. The pictures clearly
showed that they have been ruthlessly killed.
There were ropes around their necks and it was
clear that they have been drugged around by cars.
It was not clear whether they were drugged before
or after they were killed.
There have been many cases in the past where
the security forces tied up Baloch young men
at the back of their cars and drugged them in
the main roads and streets of different cities
to create maximum fear among the public. One
such case created a huge revolt in Sarawan few
years ago in which dozens of people were killed
and dozens disappeared.
The bombardment of the area was conducted so
ruthlessly that a large part of the region was
burned completely. These pictures clearly show
the fire of bombardment has destroyed everything
in its vicinity.

Bombardment of Balochistan, Iran, on 11, 12,
13 October 08 by Iranian security forces.
The great minds of Baloch people will never
be subdued, but rise over even such events.
Reza Hossein Borr is an NLP Master Trainer and
a leadership consultant and the creator of 150
CDs and 14 Change management models. He is also
the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching
and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can
Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic
World. He can be contacted by email: