December 28, 2009
The announcement of Balochistan package

By Hafeez Hasanabadi
Translated by Archen Baloch
Source; Daily Tawar
The issue of Baloch and Balochistan has now attained the
attention of entire world community. And it seems that the
thinking of world community, towards Baloch issue, is taking
a new form and shape. Baloch nation, once punished by British
Empire by dividing Balochland into parts for being patriotic
and liberalist who defied death to depend their homeland,
has compelled world into thinking of new perspectives to
address the new requirements and apprehensions, that if a
nation adores its identity and homeland in either way, whether
in love or hate, is far better then the hired slave, who
is all set to do anything for its interests.
Despite being a polarized and backward nation, Baloch are
struggling to defend every inch of their homeland to the
last drop their blood, even with desperate conditions, the
courage, with which it’s confronting two powerful countries,
has drawn the attention towards a real power which is capable
of providing the world community a rare pleasant opportunity
to bring relative peace in the region. That real power is
possessed by Baloch nation, if pulled together, can rectify
the imbalance of power in the entire region, even after a
great chaos. The world community is undergoing through the
same punishments by the hand of Iran and Pakistan , which
were once inflicted upon Baloch for the sins they have never
committed before, albeit under the compulsion of new exigencies.
These two countries have plunged the world community into
insecurity to the extent that it has now started to regard
them scrupulously otherwise. Yet, both countries have the
realization, that the world community does not tolerate their
double-crossing anymore. Therefore, at state level, both
have skillfully started to create new hurdles to detract
the world attention towards the real problem.
The announcement of Balochistan package and the program
to pacify the Baloch people is nothing more then a time being
self deception, so that it could pay full attention towards
Afghanistan for inflicting a shameful defeat upon America
and its allies as soon as possible, and compelling them to
withdraw from Afghanistan leaving behind them the "dirty
job", so that it could sustain its survival for a few
more time. Therefore, Pakistani state has now launched a
systemic media war against America . On the one hand, at
state level rulers talking about unified efforts to tackle
the terrorism, on the other, all Pakistan media is engaged
in a malicious campaign against America, where hardly an
affective program is aired, in which America is not depicted
as the biggest Satan in Sketches, songs, and dramas.
In short, America and its allies are hardly being spared
in their campaign, but the most dangerous point here is that
in this storming propaganda what is emerging out of it, is
that once again Islam being used, this famous sentence is
widely being used in the media war; "conspiracy is being
hatched against Islam". In this ardent campaign, as
if a public opinion is being created to pave the way of a
war between Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism, which
could be much more lethal for world community then the Al
Qaeda and Talban, in the shape of a will organized power.
To say less, it seems that an unnecessary and meaningless
hue and cry about Baloch and Balochistan is being created
as a part of a wider campaign where it gives a cover to their
'real intention' to turn the entire region into a hell for
America and its allies.
Apart from all these shenanigans, Balochistan package is
nothing more than a jugular box used to get the trained political
monkeys of the establishment play deception act. But Baloch
nation has abandoned the habit of paying any attention to
such a package a long time ago. They are struggling for their
survival, for even a slightest moment, Baloch are not oblivious
of the fact that jugulars are playing sophisticated tricks
to trap them in.
It is not hard to see how biased Islamabad has become in
devising this Balochistan package towards Baloch, which has
not only been rejected by those who are engaged in different
level of struggle for freedom from Iran and Pakistan, but
also by those political parties who have not yet abandoned
parliamentary politics. Every sentence of this package is
implying that Baloch are enslaved by dominant prejudiced
Pakistani state. Each and every point of this aforementioned
package is a box filled with deception. Had they taken into
confidence anyone, then why prime minister and president
had to release a press statement that they had taken all
into confidence?
According to BNF spokesperson, no political prisoner has
been released of the front, except Shafique Baloch. Then
what was the necessity of resorting to bluffing in parliament,
that "all Baloch missing persons will reach their home
from today"? Let alone the thousand missing persons,
those who have been taken notice of by prime minister himself
have not yet reached their homes. Even worst, after the statement
of the prime minister, BSO's ex vice chairman Sangat Sana
and Gaffar Langu along with their friends became the added
victims packed up by state agencies. In addition, the martyrdom
of 10 BRP innocent workers and almost 25 other injured Baloch
in Dera Bugti area are worthy to be mentioned here.
Surpassing all limits of meanness, in the cover of withdrawing
the fabricated cases against the workers of BNF, all the
cases of criminals have been withdrawn, hired by the government
salaried politicians and chieftains.
It must not be forgotten that all political parties in BNF
(Balochistan National Front) have constantly demanded that
if there are cases against the missing persons, then it is
the moral obligation of the government to produce them before
the courts. If proven, of course, should be punished.
Similarly regarding the military operation in Balochistan,
all tricks of Machiavellian are deployed in broad daylight.
The Persian saying that "what happens if an ass comes
and a cow goes" is fully justified if said about the
announcement of the deployment of the Frontier Corps in the
place of regular army in Balochistan. These are the two most
sensitive crises which have turned Balochistan into an erupting
volcano. If the irresponsible attitude of the government
towards these sensitive issues is as such, than it is not
hard to imagine what rulars would do with other issues.
In short, no improvement is going to take place in Balochistan
situation by this package; however, here rises the question,
eventually there comes a result out of this situation, but
what kind of a result would emerge?
We believe that Pakistan has to pay a heavy price for the
ridiculous jokes, Islamabad used to play with Balochistan.
As usual, This Balochistan package is designed to cater to
salaried privileged class and ridicule Baloch nation.
Naturally, the people who have been taken in by the government
statement would start believing those who have been saying
all along, that this package is a jugular box filled with
As consequences, this package, designed to weaken Baloch
resistance, would backfire and Baloch youths in a greater
number join the resistance movement. There should be no doubt
about these facts that the majority would join the ranks
of Sarmachars (freedom Fighters) and those who were vacillating
so far, would throw their weight behind the pro independent
parties and help them to hold successful rallies and protests
in cities. It spurs the freedom movement in entire Balochistan
to new heights and increases their power of resistance in
cities and mountains, and the government grip loosens eventually.
The Government stance and the arguments about Balochistan
to remain within Pakistan not only would be rendered ineffective,
but would rather intensify the unacceptability of Pakistani
The parties, which are So far bogged in the marsh of opportunism,
demanding that three or four subject, should remain with
federation and the remaining should be conferred to provinces,
not only would be unable to justify their stance, but also
would remain silent.
In the event of intensification of the resistance movement,
Pakistani forces, out of sheer desperation, would commit
such heinous crimes, thereby the hatred increases against
Pakistan . It would urge Baloch liberalists within Balochistan
and Karachi to close their ranks and draw new strategies.
The leadership leaving in abroad, particularly Khair Beyar
Marri would have to intensify his activities. His bold and
candid speeches, about independent Balochistan in different
international forums, have made him a popular leader. Now
it is the call of the hour for all political parties in Baloch
National Front to jointly persuade him into accepting the
job of representing the Baloch nation in abroad. And at the
same time it is his job to form a five or seven member's
team, so that it could substantially present Baloch national
case for freedom in the international forums in the event
of the possible intensity of Pakistan 's volatile situation.
Meanwhile, it is highly possible that BHRC based in London,
would get its acts together in a proper manner and disassociate
itself from the parties who are bogged in the marsh of opportunistic
Pakistani parliamentary politics, demanding the right to
self determination, (according to the current situation it
is a hypocratic slogan). And it is hoped that it categorically
reminds the world about the violation of Baloch human rights
and that Baloch on both sides of the border living a slavish
life. Along with Eastern Balochistan , pro independent parties
in western Balochistan, particularly Baloch Raaji Zrombresht
and Baloch Liberation Organization would also get more active,
because, nowadays Raaji Zrombrsht leaders are ardently participating
in all those programs and seminars where Baloch national
Leader Hair Beyar Marri participates. Thus, it is how the
government joke (the rights package) would serve as a wake
up call for all hibernating Baloch on both sides of the border
to rise on occasion.
The virus of this package is not so potent; one might fear
that it would kill off Baloch national movement. But its
not so, the virus that can not kill would surly fortified
the defensive system of the host body.
It is highly possible that Pakistan's some of those problems
would get exacerbated and go beyond the control of the government,
which were once Pakistan's own making invented to detract
the public attention from bigger problems. During all this
while the state establishment would be able to avail itself
from two fronts; first, in the cover of the chaotic situation,
it would allow the Talban's selected leadership to elapse
into save heaven. And on the other side it would succeed
in creating loyalty for extremists and hatred for other religions,
which would eventually help exhaust American and its ally's
patient about Pakistan . It would be an unexpected surprise
for Pakistan . While on the other side, during all this while,
the sure footed Baloch national struggle would be moving
towards its destination with rather confidence, and the world
community would regard Baloch nation as a potent power to
bring relative peace in the region.
Source: dailytawar newspaper
Translated by: Archen Baloch