20, 2010
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Madam Secretary,
Norway is a summer shy of an anniversary. In August 2009
Norwegian citizen Ehsan Arjemandi, my friend Mohammad
Moosa Arjemandi’s younger brother, was plucked
from a bus en route to Karachi and disappeared into Pakistan's
1970s Argentine-style security system. Witnesses on the
bus from which he was removed have described his abduction
to local police. A FIR (first information report) has
been filed. A well-known Pakistani lawyer was retained.
The Norwegian government has asked questions. The answers:
Ehsan is held in Quetta. He is in military custody in
Malir Cantonment, Karachi. He has been extradited to
Iran. Only rumors are forthcoming, leaving Ehsan's family
and friends trapped like players in a game of "Where
in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” Given Ehsan's
medical condition, perhaps he is by now dead. In any
case, Ehsan can only be in one of these places. Some
people in Pakistan do know where Ehsan is--and they are
not telling.
Those of us desperately seeking information regarding
Ehsan's whereabouts and well-being wonder this: How is
it that Pakistan--key Western ally, recipient of billions
of dollars in aid, both military and domestic--can turn
a blind eye to the abduction of a European citizen by
its intelligence or security agencies and not have to
answer for it? Friends of Ehsan have sought help from
Norwegian officials, American officials, the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights, Amnesty International,
Human Rights Watch--from anyone they could possibly fax
or email. Yet the only organization, to my knowledge,
that has actively and publicly worked on Ehsan's behalf
is the Asian Human Rights Commission. We understand why
it is difficult for human rights groups to act--Pakistan
threatens them with expulsion and they are often forced
to weigh the benefit of helping a minority vs. greater
numbers of people, but what trump card does Pakistan
hold that prevents the Norwegian and U.S. governments
from asking a simple question and demanding an honest
answer? Does Norwegian and American taxpayer money buy
only support for its War on Terror?
My last question is rhetorical. I know this is not the
case. In 2006 an acquaintance of mine fell ill while
mountain climbing in the Himalayas. My cold call to the
American embassy in Pakistan resulted in the full engagement
of one of its officers. The family of the American climber
was prepared to spend a considerable sum of money for
a private Pakistani helicopter rescue, but this American
official met with an officer in the Pakistani military
who arranged a risky rescue by the military--gratis.
Americans might not be able to move mountains, but they
can engage people to help conquer seemingly insurmountable
odds in fearsome mountains. Similarly, when Norwegian
citizen and journalist Paal Refsdal was abducted in Afghanistan
in late 2009, Norwegian officials worked with Afghan
contacts to free Mr. Refsdal within one week’s
So why has it proved impossible to elicit information
about Ehsan’s wherabouts? Is there less concern
about his welfare because he is of Baloch ethnicity?
Or is it simply that Ehsan’s case, aside from his
citizenship status, is not unique in Pakistan where citizens
of Balochistan province are routinely disappeared by
various Pakistani security agencies? Some are abducted
due to their association with an insurgency described
by Ahmed Rashid in an April 16, 2010 interview with Majalla
Magazine as “a reflection of the complete deprivation
and the lack of resources and development that the Baloch
have suffered at the hands of the centre.” Others
are disappeared because of political activities or unsubstantiated
accusations. All such abductions are documented by a
steady drumbeat of faxes and emails and facebook causes
directed to all the human rights groups listed above.
Some of the abductees turn up dead. Some are dumped at
the sides of roads and some live to tell the tale. While
many of the missing are known to me via a six degrees
of separation chain, three are not. They include Ehsan,
described above, Prince Musa Ahmadzai and Mahboob Wadhela
My friends and I interviewed Prince Musa in 2006. He
was subsequently arrested during a political march and
held for months without charges or trial. He is one of
the lucky ones. His family discovered where he was held
and months later were able to secure his release when
he fell seriously ill. Most recently, on April 2, 2010,
my friend's cousin, Mahboob Wadhela Baloch, a fisheries
department employee, was abducted from a passenger van
while on his way to join a new post as fishery inspector
in Gwadar. Mahboob Wadhela is not an active political
party member, nor is he a militant. Like Ehsan, Mahboob
Wadhela has not been heard from since.
Ehsan’s family, prior to his abduction, had already
suffered enormously. Ehsan, his mother and elder brother,
Mohammad Moosa, who had been imprisoned in Iran for 9
months without charges, fled political persecution in
Iran. Following stays in Iraq and Pakistan, on July 29,
1990, Ehsan, age 16, finally arrived with his mother
as an asylum seeker in Norway where his brother Mohammad
Moosa had already been accepted as a quota refugee through
UNHCR. Ehsan became a Norwegian citizen in the mid-1990s.
Ehsan is a political activist, not a militant. He had
traveled to Pakistan on a Norwegian passport in 2009.
If Ehsan is now guilty of some crime, let Pakistani officials
bring charges and allow him to defend himself in a court
of law.
We friends of Ehsan plead with the U.S. government to
help our ally Norway secure the release of its citizen.
We also urge the U.S. government to pressure Pakistani
officials to honor their commitment to the UN's International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention
Against Torture, to which they are a signatory, as well
as provide access to its courts for citizens like Mahboob
Wadhela Baloch who are not able to seek the support of
foreign governments in the resolution of their cases.
Wendy Johnson
New York
U.S. Senator Charles Schumer Fax: (202) 228-3027
U.S. Congressman Gary Ackerman: Fax: (718) 423-5053
U.S. Congressman Brad Sherman: Fax: (202) 225-5879
U.S. Congressman Collin Peterson: Fax: (202) 225-1593
Consulate General of Pakistan, New York: Fax: (212) 517-6987
Embassy of the United States, Islamabad: (+92) 51-2276427
Director General Janis Bjørn Kanavin, Norwegian
Foreign Ministry: Janis.Bjorn.Kanavin@mfa.no
Robert Kvile, Norway’s Ambassador to Pakistan : robert.kvile@mfa.no
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: post@mfa.no
The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and the Police: postmottak@jd.dep.no
Consulate General of Pakistan, New York: Fax: 212-517-6987
Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani: Fax +92 51 922
Minister for the Interior, R Block Pak Secretariat: Fax
+92 51 9202624
Dr. Faqir Hussain, Registrar, Supreme Court of Pakistan,
Fax + 92 51 9213452
Federal Minister for Human Rights Mr. Syed Mumtax Alam
Gillani: Fax +9251-9204108
Chief Minister of Balochistan Nawab Aslam Raisani: Fax
+92 81 920 2240
Nawab Zulfiqar Magsi, Governor of Balochistan: Fax +92
81 920 2992
Press Information Department, Pakistan
Federal Investigation Agency, Pakistan
Various human rights organizations and writers at several
news organizations, including: The Guardian, The Independent,
Real News Network, Gara.net, Klassekampen, the Swedish
National News Agency, and friends of Ehsan
Arjemandi and Mahboob Wadhela Baloch
Additional background on Ehsan Arjemandi’s case:
Video background (with English subtitles) on Mahboob
Wadhela Baloch:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEpfYi-1He8 (with English
Please note, if there are any inaccuracies in this letter,
kindly forward the details to me and I will update this
post: wj@thebaluch.com.
Ehsan Arjemandi
Missing since August 7, 2009
Mahboob Wadhela Baloch
Missing since April 2, 2010
Update: tortured body dumped on February 23, 2011 in Ormara (recovered with body of Arif Rehman) |