Dec 3, 2009
Neutral BBC’s one-sided attitude
By Hafeez Hassanabadi
Translated by Zrombesht (urdu version). (english version).
On November 25th 2009, when Baloch pro-liberation leader
Mr. Hayrbyar Marri’s interview was published on BBC,
we couldn’t understand any of his wordings because
his full of dust talks were totally different from what all
he has been saying to Pakistani private News channels the
very same day or previously, where he had reject Balochistan
package and quoted in strong words the demand of freedom
and not of package and reminded our only destination was
getting rid of slavery. Regarding negotiation with the Pakistani
government, he cleared we would only negotiate with the Pakistani
government when it declares handing over the occupation accepting
independent Balochistan, then we could negotiate on the agenda
of ‘independent Balochistan’. Expressing his
view on the missing persons of Balochistan, his agenda included
that Pakistan had forcibly occupied Balochistan and Balochistan
itself has been an independent state. Our political prisoners
and freedom fighters should be brought out publicly in fact
they should be accepted as POWs under international law because
we think our freedom fighters are the soldiers of Balochistan
army who were made prisoners while they were fighting the
enemy force. Therefore they should be treated the same as
any ordinary POW of a country is treated by another country.
But the interview published in BBC never consisted of any
such views. So apparently such thoughts pop up in one’s
mind that what happened all of a sudden to Baloch leader
who had openly expressed his agenda in Pakistani news channels
but in his interview with the BBC sentences are more but
the real points are no-where. In these numerous questions
going around the mind, one and the most dominate question
was; Baloch leader abandon from his agenda in just a matter
of few hours and obliged for negotiations unconditionally
(which we think is impossible) OR his true words were stolen
Our this confusion was continuous till 2 different recordings
of the particular interview were published at the same time
on a Baloch website. It included a full interview recorded
by Mr. Hayrbyar Marri’s team for their records and
the interview been published just to get rid from by a BBC
journalist which created so much of confusion in the minds
of numerous people.
This interview taken on Balochistan package regard, can
consist 4 points which are important to be known by this
administration. First, Was Mr. Marri taken in any confidence
regarding this package? Second, How effective or meaningless
this package is in Mr. Marri’s views? Third, If he
rejects this package then what are his demands and if he
supports this package then what are the points in this package
that are acceptable? Fourth and the last, after the proposal
of this package would their be any chances of pro-liberation
people to negotiate with the Pakistani officials?
These are the main points which were important at the time
but it is simple when a journalist gets a chance of interviewing
such a leader it tries to ask questions which it might not
be able to publish in its interview but could benefit with
them later at an appropriate time.
But the point being felt as an example of dishonesty is,
the 11min and 22sec conversation in which Mr. Hayrbyar had
used the word freedom 11 times on the subject of freedom
of Balochistan but BBC’s journalist Haroon Raheed had
very skillfully scissor it so that the 2min and 30sec (which
was published after being edited by the administration) not
even once mentioned the word ‘freedom‘. Similarly
the word ‘slave’ and ‘slavery’ were
used 4 times in the interview but in the published piece
Baloch slaved status was mentioned no-where. Because if the
word ‘slavery’ was included, so apparently the
demand would’ve been freedom. So the addressed person
never bother to feel the importance of publishing Mr. Hayrbyar
Marri mentioning Baloch nation’s slavery and its end
or treatment.
Dishonesty is an evil disease, that is why this journalist
not only deprive its listeners from the true answers in fact
has kept its administration in darkness regarding Balochistan
freedom seekers or at least it is assumed from the interview.
He did include the sentence “We are not in favor of
package politics” in this published interview but “We
are the demanders of freedom” sentence is forgotten
in the answer. Similarly the journalist placed a sentence “Our
gates are open for negotiations” during Mr. Hayrbyar’s
views on the chances of negotiations, but never felt the
necessity of including the attached main condition “These
negotiations will be held on the agenda of Free Balochistan”.
He did question whether being taken in confidence regarding
the package but the point where Mr. Hayrbyar clears himself
and lets a journalist like Haroon Rasheed to record his interview
appealing his selection of words for the future, But the
journalist demonstrating extreme irresponsibility forgets
to include it because in reply he is reminded of his one
sided attitude.
Haroon Rasheed questions in the interview; The government
says it has negotiated and been in contact with almost all
the extremist and fugitive groups regarding the package so
did they contact you too? As mentioned before during the
answer of this question, as the journalist suffers from dumbness
he misuses his position and authority and never publishes
the first part of the question in which he had called Baloch
freedom seekers as extremists and fugitives. Similarly Mr.
Hayrbyar Marri’s reply was also edited where he answered
shortly “I am not an extremist nor a fugitive, I am
a demander of free Balochistan so they never spoke to me”
He did ask Mr. Hayrbyar Marri his demands but one of his
demand was mentioned half that our freedom fighters (captured)
should be treated as P.O.W but why they should be given the
status of P.O.W the journalist did not mention in the argument.
Now it is as, someone runs to the acting king’s palace
screaming Your majesty step down from your position! His
particular demand will be understood foolish until he doesn’t
say that the real king is arriving. The particular message
which was not important a few seconds ago, becomes tough
truth when the argument is given causing everyone present
to stand up and even the acting king step out from his position.
If he does not use the word ‘king’ so he being
a fool would be applicable to death but his one argument
make him deserve reward. Argument is the only reason making
ordinary talk special and important.
Therefore the journalist has very skillfully squeezed the
arguments of Mr. Hayrbyar Marri making his strong talks as
ordinary words which threatens a cause of confusion among
his friends about his personality and his national movement.
The specific time or day chosen for the publish of this interview
is extremely deadly and dangerous. We can never comment on
this that the particular journalist intentionally publish
the interview 2 days before the occasion of Eid but it is
the truth that due to Eid holidays every news agency is closed
causing it not possible to reply this dishonesty based interview
where on the other hand everyone was in get together on the
occasion of Eid.
Balochistan where fire and burning steel are drizzling and
their national leader Hayrbyar Marri’s statements will
be the topic of every get together, and the oppositions of
Baloch national movement would cheer up saying the freedom
seekers have at last given up. The slogan of Baloch national
freedom settle down like a foam because Hayrbyar Marri while
talking to BBC unconditionally agreed to negotiate with the
Pakistani government. Like a phase in Balochi; ’Till
truth arrives, false travel a distance ahead’ so till
the end of Eid holidays and newspapers being publish, in
between at least a week while government machinery and anti
freedom seekers would present this interview based on dishonest
editing as truth disappointing people on Baloch national
The intensity of such misleading report on the basis of
BBC cannot be estimated causing a shock among the Baloch
nation specially the pro-liberation Balochs. In this continuation
the impact of a beloved organization like BBC among Balochs
will be acceptable as thinking BBC too address the poor victim
Baloch as one sided. Because it is no co-incidence to hide
or bring any ups and downs in such important questions. This
can only be possible in 2 conditions, first the interviewer
and the editor is unaware of the importance of the conversation
of the person being interviewed and unknowingly selects the
needed points or dishonest and sided person who tries to
unaffected the interviewers conversation and make his personality
Here excuse like lack of time and being in a hurry aren’t
important because these terms do not implement on freedom
or slavery kind of words.
Therefore we easily come to this conclusion that Haroon
Rasheed is not only an unprofessional journalist in fact
he has hatred for Baloch national movement and all that he
has done is purposely and intentional. Because this fact
of taking out the impression of Baloch pro-liberation leader’s
strong and straight words making them important or non important
and secondary is not a difficult job which not only needs
skills and tricks, in fact such unfortunate hypocrisy makes
one helpless in murdering his conscious, which later on in
the form on anxiety makes one’s conscious restless.