Tethyan Copper plans to invest $3.2bn in Reco Dig, DailyTimes, Sep 30, 2010 |
ore supply from Balochistan suspended, by Aamir Shafaat Khan, Dawn.com, Aug 14,
2010 |
Hal Editorial: Gilani
Must Respect GoB’s Stance on Reko Diq Project, Jul
17, 2010 (from before: Balochistan
pledges to run Reko Diq, by Syed Fazl-e-Haider, May 27, 2010) |
security for OGDCL in Balochistan areas, by Khaleeq Kiani,
Dawn.com, Jul 14, 2010 |
Seeks a Viable Proposal to Run Reko Diq Project, The Baloch
Hal, Jul 13, 2010 |
Belongs to Balochs; No “Equal Status” for Others:
BNP, The Baloch Hal, Jul 12, 2010 |
Diary: Chamalang project: bury the past, buy the future,
by Saeed Minhas, DailyTimes, Jul 6, 2010 |
people have expectations from Gwadar Port: Raisani, DailyTimes.com.pk,
Jul 1, 2010 |
Diq, TCC and the Future of Baloch, by Gwaraam Baloch, BalochUnity.org,
Jul 1, 2010 |
resent Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline: BNP, Baloch Hal, Jun 19,
2010 |
pipeline project will benefit Balochistan immensely: Raisani,
by Mohammad Zafar, DailyTimes, Jun 15, 2010 |
approves "peace pipeline" deal with Pakistan, Dawn, Jun 13,
2010: "...The pipeline will connect Iran's giant South Fars
gas field with Pakistan's southern Baluchistan and Sindh provinces..." |
transnational mining industry implicated in abuses, by Sakura
Saunders, The Dominion, Jun 2, 2010 (reposted
at BalochUnity) |
pledges to run Reko Diq, by Syed Fazl-e-Haider, May 27, 2010) |
govt to buy shares in PPL, The Baloch Hal, May 21, 2010 |
Protest: against
nuclear tests in front of White House on May 28: "Pro-independence
Baloch from the U.S.A. and Canada and their allies and friends
will converge in the U.S. capital on May 28 to protest against
Pakistan's nuclear tests in Occupied Balochistan in front of
the White House..." |
distributes certificates among students, The Baloch Hal,
May 15, 2010 |
security personnel injured, gas pipeline blown up in Balochistan, BalochWarna, May 15, 2010 |
Dr. Zaffar Baloch speech at
the UFT “Conference on the Canadian Mining Industry,” reposted
at BalochWarna |
7-9, 2010: Mining (in)Justice: At Home and Abroad conference),
Baluchsarmachar, May 7, 2010: "Mining (in)justice: at home
and abroad is a conference on the Canadian mining industry (including
Tar Sands) set to take place in Toronto on the weekend of May
7-9, 2010. It will feature leaders in movements against Canadian
mining companies both within and outside of Canada and provide
space for growing our own movements in alliance with communities
impacted by this industry." (report) |
Protest: April
28, 2010: Confront
Barrick Gold in Toronto, details at BaluchSarmachar (how Barrick
Gold is involved in Balochistan: Pakistan
pressed on Barrick mine rights), by Rick Westhead, TheStar,
Jan 14, 2010 |
Release: BSO-NA
opposes Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline accord, termed it as “Grand
Religio-Commercial deal of the century”, by BSO-NA.org,
Mar 27, 2010: "We consider Balochistan as an occupied territory
and Pakistan has no legal and moral right to sign any such deal.” |
Diq at melting point, by Syed Fazl-e-Haider, atimes.com,
Mar 12, 2010; reposted at TheBalochHouse |
for Och gas field,
by Dilshad Azeem, The News, Mar 12, 2010; reposted
at TheBalochHouse |
Italians for investment in Balochistan, TheBalochHal.com,
Mar 11, 2010 |
hopeful of salvaging $3bn copper venture, Dawn.com, Mar 10,
2010; reposted at TheBalochHouse |
gold, by Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur, DailyTimes.com.pk, Feb
28, 2010: "Barrick’s track record is pathetic... Considering
the environmental consequences, all licenses to Reko Diq should
be cancelled. |
Provinces’ differences
soar over water distribution, The Baloch Hal, Feb 9, 2010 |
before: Conflict
in Dera Bugti, by Nizamuddin Nizamani, originally
published in Dawn.com |
awards six exploration blocks, Oil & Gas Journal, Feb
5, 2010 |
pressed on Barrick mine rights Diplomats call on PM to honour
claim despite pressure from China, thestar.com, Jan 14, 2010 |
any--awaits Woodrow Wilson, Atlantic councils, by Ahmar
Mustikhan, NowPublic.com, Jan 14, 2010 |
plot thickens: Balochistan
halts $3.5bn copper project, by Syed Fazl-e-Haider, atimes.com,
Jan 12, 2010 |
Gwadar, by Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur, DailyTimes.com, Jan
10, 2010
(background reading: Waiting
for the Worst: Baluchistan, 2006, by Nicholas Schmidle, The Virginia Quarterly
Review, Spring 2007;Pakistan's
Fatal Shore, by Robert D. Kaplan, Atlantic Monthly, May 2009: "One key
to its fate is the future of Gwadar, a strategic port whose development will
either unlock the riches of Central Asia, or plunge Pakistan into a savage, and
potentially terminal, civil war...") |
seeks explanation from Balochistan, TheBalochHal, Jan 9,
2010 |
says no mining licence granted for Reko Dik project, TheBalochHal,
Jan 9, 2010 |
Ground Zero, by Mir
Mohammad Ali Talpur, DailyTimes.com.pk, Jan 2, 2010 |
Loses Reko Diq Contract, NowPublic, Dec 26, 2010 |
Saindak Saga, by Mir Mohammad
Ali Talpur, DailyTimes.com, Dec 5, 2009 |
biggest but poorest province, Reuters, Nov 25,
2009 (outlines energy and mineral cos doing business/exploration
in Balochistan) |
digs Pakistan into a hole, by Syed Fazl-e-Haider, Asia Times,
Oct 5, 2009 |
Bank on $3bn on Baloch Project, by Syed Fazl-e-Haider, PK
On Web, Jul 7, 2009 |
is the ultimate prize, by Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, May 9,
2009 |
Minister inaugurates first wind power plant, Business Recorder,
Apr 20, 2009: "... Gilani said that the launch of Zorlu
Wind Farm is, indeed, a major milestone towards exploiting the
wind potential of renowned Gharo-Keti Bandar Wind Corridor. This
60 km long and 170 km deep corridor alone has the potential to
generate over 50,000MW of electricity..."; maps
of wind corridor, taepl.com; resource
potential of wind project, Alternative Energy Development
Board (click pic below for larger map of wind power in Balochistan) |
for Reko Diq, by Mir Mohammad
Ali Talpur, Dawn.com, Sep 30, 2008 |
Activities in Balochistan, by B. Raman, South Asia Analysis
Group, Jun 18, 2001 |
also applies in Balochistan: In
Afghanistan, a Threat of Plunder, by Paul Collier, NYTimes,
Jul 19, 2010 |
Afghanistan: U.S.
Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan, by
James Risen, NYTimes.com, Jun 14, 2010 |
Global: Water
pollution expert derides UN sanitation claims, by Juliette
Jowit, The Guardian, Apr 25, 2010 |
Africa: Billionaires
and Mega-Corporations Behind Immense Land Grab in Africa,
by John Vidal, Information Clearing House, Mar 11, 2010 |
Gilgit-Baltistan: GBUM
in support of Diamer dam protest and condemning Paksitani
atrocities, TheBalochHouse, Mar 2010 |
Mongolia: Mongolian
Harvard Elites Aim for Wealth Without ‘Dutch Disease,’ by
Michael Forsythe, Bloomberg.com, Feb 16, 2010 |
Jan 18, 2010: In this
link Naomi Klein reports on the 'disaster capitalism'
model as it relates to Haiti (NewStatesman). If you're on
facebook, you can follow developments by joining 'No
Shock Doctrine for Haiti' where activists are monitoring
the efforts of 'disaster capitalists' to benefit from the
tragedy that has struck this vulnerable population. |
U.S.: It's
Only Appalachia, by Devilstower, DailyKos.com, Jan 10,
2010 |
miss this expose
- China: Inside
China's secret toxic unobtainium mine, By Richard Jones
In Baiyun Obo, Inner Mongolia, DailyMail, Jan 10, 2010: "t
looks like a scene from an apocalyptic science-fiction movie..." |
Ecuador: Who
will pay for Amazon's 'Chernobyl'?, by Esme McAvoy, The Independent, Jan 10, 2010 |
only the first move in the grand chess game for control of
Central Asian resources, by Michael Payne, Jan 9, 2010: "So
if anyone still thinks that the surge in Afghanistan is strictly
intended to defeat the Taliban and the remnants of Al-Qaeda,
it's time to think again. This is the new launching point
for the eventual control of the Balochistan region..." |
Technology: New
Life for Solar-Updraft Technology?, by John Collins Rudolf,
NYTimes.com, Jan 6, 2010: The solar
updraft tower, which uses the greenhouse effect and thermal
convection to drive wind turbines and produce electricity,
has been hailed as
a novel — and promising — approach to renewable
energy generation. |
Gwadar as an Additional Supply Route for US Millitary,
A Report of the CSIS Transnational Threats Project and the
Russia and Eurasia Program, IntelliBriefs, Jan 5, 2010 (orig.
source) |
Peru: Mining
conflict in Perú leaves two dead, by Daan Janssens, Dec 4, 2009 |
China: South
China Villagers Slam Pollution From Rare Earth Mine, Radio Free Asia, Feb 22, 2008 |
Africa: After
years of “environmentally
friendly” mining South Africa pays the price for mining industry
platitudes – permanently contaminated waters, Patagonia Under
Siege, Feb 15, 2008 |
Global: Calling
All Future-Eaters, by Chris Hedges, Truthdig, Jul 19,
2010: "Our moral obligation is not to structures of
power, but life..." |
Environmental: Greenpeace
finds evidence of GM rice contamination in China's emergency
grain stores, by Jonathan Watts, The Guardian, Jul 20,
2010: "Some environmental activists suspect scientists
and biotechnology companies may be deliberating spreading
genetically modified rice into seed supplies, paddy fields
and supermarkets so they can declare de facto approval of
the products..." |
New: Barrick
Gold of Canada, who is currently pressuring Pakistan
to not cancel its mining lease in Balochistan, is rated by
a Swiss research firm as 12th
worst in ethical performance of multinational corporations. The
12 Least Ethical Companies In The World: Covalence's Ranking,
HuffingtonPost.com, Jan 28, 2010 |
Holding Corporations Accountable |
Watch Canada |
ProtestBarrick.net: Protestbarrick.net serves as a portal to groups researching and organizing around mining issues, particularly involving Barrick Gold. It contains news articles, testimonies, and backgrounders about Barrick's operations worldwide. The administrators of this site are volunteers with sincere concerns for communities negatively impacted by Barrick's operations. |
Documentary: The
Corporation |
On Colonization: The
Wretched of the Earth, by Frantz Fanon, preface by Jean-Paul
Sartre, 1963 (pdf) |
Excerpt from
'Inside China's secret toxic unobtainium mine': Elements
that rule the globe (from DailyMail)
Rare-earths are so-called because when
they were first discovered in the 19th Century in Sweden,
they were believed to be some of the most uncommon elements.
But through further scientific discovery,
rare-earths have been found to be relatively abundant in
the Earth's crust. However, the high cost of extraction means
that only areas with rich deposits are worth exploiting.
Rare-earth metals are typically malleable.
They also have high electrical conductivity.
They are often extracted from minerals
through a process that involves dissolving elements in different
liquids - usually water and a solvent.
There are 17 rare-earths and their purposes
include being used in shielding for nuclear reactors, fibre
optics, flatscreen displays and earthquake monitoring equipment.
One rare-earth, erbium, acts as a natural
amplifier so it is used in fibre-optic cables to boost signals.
Terbium generates a change in an electrical circuit when
the metal is compressed. That is why it is often found in
earthquake monitoring devices for detecting movement along
Sometimes rare-earth elements are combined
in alloys to create strong magnets, which are used in wind
turbines. The magnets are a crucial part of the generators
that convert the rotational motion of the turbine blades
into electricity.
The magnets can be made from rare-earths
neodymium and samarium, although they are extremely brittle
and also vulnerable to corrosion, so are usually plated or
Another rare-earth, dysprosium, is used
in many of the advanced electric motors and battery systems
in hybrid vehicles because magnets containing the element
can be much lighter and therefore more energy efficient.
Dysprosium has a tendency to soak up neutrons
- the tiny particles that occur in atoms and are produced
in nuclear reactions. Metal rods containing dysprosium are
also used in nuclear reactors to control the rate at which
neutrons are available. The magnetic properties of dysprosium
alloys make them useful in CD players.
Cerium is used in catalytic converters,
which cut carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles, while praseodymium
creates a yellow colour in ceramics. In alloys, lanthanum
softens a metal, making it easier to work with and sometimes
more durable too.