Baloch Resistance in Western Balochistan
(an overview)
by Ismail Ameeri
Delivered at the Baluchistan
International Conference, Washington, D.C., Nov. 21,

Balochistan is the ancestral land of Baloch people. In the late 19th century
Balochistan was divided by the British Empire. That is why we are encountered
with the phenomena of Western Balochistan, Eastern Balochistan and Northern Balochistan.
Western Balochistan is under Iranian occupation which
lies from strait of Hormoz from west to south of Kirman
and present province of Balochistan. Western Balochistan
is located in a very strategic location with almost 700
Kilometres coastline. According to official surveys it
has abundant energy resources of unexploited gas and
oil, and mineral resources. The population of Western
Balochistan is estimated to be over 3 millions.
In Baloch history, Bompour a town in western Balochistan
is the birth place of Baloch rise according to a research
by Prof Taj Bresseg. Baloch national struggle in western
Balochistan has a long history. In 13th century Mir Jalal
Khan Rind founded the first Baloch confederacy in Bompoor.
According to Prof Bresseg’s research, Western Balochistan
maintained its independence until the mid 19th century
despite being separated by the disintegration of the
Khanate in early 19th century. Baloch representatives
led by Fakir Mohammad Bezanjo resisted Qajar supremecy
over Balochistan vigorously according to the conference
held in Bompoor under supervision of General Goldsmith
between Baloch, Qajar and British Empire on 1st Dec 1869.
The Baloch delegation not only opposed border demarcation,
but also demanded withdrawal of Qajar forces from western
Balochistan became victim due to the Great Game and
rivalries between Russia and British Empire. General
Gold Smith in the final proceedings to the Secretary
of State for India on 9th Nov 1871 wrote that “these
tracts” (meaning Balochistan) had they had power
to be independent, would be independent; not having power
to be independent, they are as fair prey to the strongest
neighbour (Bresseg, P169). Hence western part of Balochistan
was occupied by Qajars.
Sardar Hossain Khan in 1897 led a resistance against
occupying forces and defeated Qajar forces in Pahra.
In 1907 Bahram Khan Baranzahi led Baloch resistance from
Dezaak to Sarbaaz and crushed Qajar forces, then captured
Pahara Fort. By 1914 Bahram Khan mustered a powerful
force in western Balochistan. His armed force had 10,000
riffles. He died in Bompoor in 1921.
With the fall of Qajar dynasty and rise of modern Iran,
Baloch National leader Mir Dost Mohd Khan Baranzai 1n
1920’s rose against occupying force and called
upon Baloch nation to be united under his leadership
and declared himself King of Balochistan. Baloch sovereignty
sadly was short-lived by deceptive promises of Reza Shah,
King of Iran. Mir Dost Mohd Khan Baranzai was invited
to Tehran for negotiation on resolving the issue of Balochistan.
Mir Dost Mohammad Khan on his arrival in Tehran was arrested
and imprisoned, and later executed.
Baloch national struggle continued since then with varying
momentums. In 1960’s a group of Baloch nationalist
who were opposed to Iranian occupation of Balochistan
formed the political party of Balochistan Liberation
Front, and sought international support for restoration
of Baloch sovereignty. They fought for several years
to give momentum to Baloch quest for independent Balochistan.
The Algeria Pact was proved to be a decisive factor to
the struggle of Balochistan Liberation Front, because
Iraq withdrew its support to them.
Despite the Algeria Pact, Baloch resistance continued
though with lesser publicity. In early 1970’s Zrombesh
was formed by a group of guerrilla fighters. It was led
by its field commander Rahim Zardkohi. Sadly he was killed
in the battled field against occupying forces of Iran
in Pahra in 1980.
The struggle for freedom of Balochistan is being continued
by Zromesh (Balochistan National Movement) despite suffering
losses since then. In Western Balochistan for the past
5 years new party and groups have been formed to fight
for the rights of Baloch people. A prominent group is
Jundullah or popular resistance of people of Iran.
Let us look into the current situation of Western Balochistan
prior to any discussion to issue of armed-struggle or
namely Jundullah.
Western Balochistan has been suffering from a prolonged
occupation, by Qajar and its de-facto beneficiary, modern
Iran. This over a century old occupation of Western Balochistan
has brought a deep hatred between Baloch and invaders.
Henry Pottinger in 1810 noted a profound hatred between
Persians and the Baloch in his discussion with Mehrab
Khan of Bompoor, in Western Balochistan.
On 25th January 1927 Sir J Ramsay wrote: “there
is not a vestige of Persian authority existing, nor has
Persia any means of asserting her theoretical claims
to sovereignty over an area in which Persians are aliens
and in which they detest and are detested by the people
(Baloch) . . . Not only has the country under discussion
(Western Balochistan) slipped out of Persian grasp, it
has been so hostile to Persia”.
The contemporary history of Western Balochistan is testimony
to the fact that Baloch people always kept resisting
occupation of their ancestral land. The hatred and animosity
of Iranians towards Baloch nation is inevitable since
they belong to two opposing poles, one as the occupier,
and the other as the occupied.
For decades Baloch people in western Balochistan have
been suffering harassment, neglect, discrimination, imprisonment
and execution. Today western Balochistan is ever-more
under attack and suppression by the Iran. There are hardly
any day or week without execution in western Balochistan.
Even the means of execution in western Balochistan is
degrading and intimidating since Baloch are hanged in
rows in public like chickens. Baloch religious leaders
and any one on suspicion of having capacity to resistance
are abducted and either kept imprisoned or made disappeared.
Baloch political parties and activists if they were identified
will go under torture and gallows by the regime.
Iran due to its tyrannical character is bound to use
horrific force, cruelty, unjust discrimination and such
measures in Western Balochistan to maintain its supremacy
and occupation. Likewise it is the quest of Baloch people
to rise for their dignity and freedom from occupation.
Baloch movement has been a secular and just movement
throughout history. The rise of Jundullah in western
Balochistan is another facet of Baloch resistance. The
Islamic regime of Iran has deprived every one from all
their civic rights for three decades. In absence of freedom
in the society one seeks to challenge the tyrants, and
make their responses reflective of the situations. In
western Balochistan all political and civic means of
activities are forbidden by Iran and considered to be
illegal. A prominent Baloch civic activist Mehrnehad
was imprisoned and executed last year for conducting
civic activities in Dozzap(zahidan).
Baloch people have been deprived of their basic human
rights such as respect for their religion let alone formation
of political parties or formation of their government
in western Balochistan by Iranian regime. Three decades
of tyranny in western Balochistan, Baloch found themselves
under serious threat of assimilation and loss of their
Baloch identity. Hence Baloch people have been forced
to seek means of resistance through their Sunni religion
to protect themselves from Iran’s Shiia onslaught.
Currently there are Shiia Mosques in most villages in
western Balochistan despite non-existence of any Shiia
person in the villages to practice or pray in them.
Therefore Jundulla as a Baloch resistance group emerged
to defend Baloch religion and Baloch identity. In absence
of any means of democratic resistance made it inevitable
for Junduulla to resort in armed-struggle for defence
of Baloch rights. Jundulla on its part made several proposals
to the Iranian regime to give-up its armed-struggle.
The regime even declined to acknowledge issue of discrimination
in western Balochistan and continued its suppressive
policies towards Baloch people with vigour. As recent
as 12th Nov 2009 Jundullah issued a fresh proposal to
end its armed-struggle.
It is to be noted that Jundulla has emerged in the thick
of unrelenting execution and harassment in western Balochistan
and in a suppressive environment. Therefore shortcomings
or inclination to religious affinity in their policies
and approaches towards Baloch movement in general are
Baloch movement like any other movements has many shades
and colours, but its overriding aspect is secular. Having
stated the fact that Baloch movement is secular, it needs
urgent international support to be led and maintained
in the secular fold. Jundullah needs encouragement and
political engagement by Baloch political parties and
international community in order to anchor its future
to Baloch movement.
In conclusion it is the view of the Balochistan National
Movement that the relation between Baloch people in western
Balochistan and Iran is of occupied and occupier. Systematic
violation of human rights in western Balochistan is a
perpetual affair stemming from state’s policies.
Baloch civic activists and religious leaders and schools
are being targeted and harassed. Baloch are denied education
in their mother tongue Balochi by Iran. The mere Baloch
identity is under threat of assimilation in western Balochistan
with the wave of disproportionate state-led migration.
Western Balochistan’s demography is changing rapidly
to the detriment of Baloch nation. We view Iran as a
pariah and menace state with an ambition to impose its
supremacy in the region. Its dangerous ambition to become
a nuclear power is a real threat to Baloch question and
also to the peace and stability of the region. Iran even
prior to acquisition of nuclear weapons has been interfering
into affairs of neighbouring countries such as Iraq,
Afghanistan, Lebanon and Israel by supplying weapons
to Hezbollah and their affiliates. Interference into
Saudi Arabia by arming Hoati Zaidi Shiia’s of Yemen
is another wave of Iranian meddling strategy for recognition
of its supremacy in the region.
Therefore it is the responsibility of international
community and international forces to stand united to
halt Iranian aggression on Baloch and neighbouring countries.
Baloch is a proud nation with the quest to restoration
of its lost sovereignty. We urge you the believers in
freedom to express your support for secular Baloch Movement.
Thanks for your patience and of course for your oncoming
Nov 2009