International Conference, Washington D.C.
Organized by American Friends of Balochistan
Nov. 21, 2009 |
to right: Iqbal Tareen, Dr. Gul Agha, Saghir
A. Shaikh, PhD., Saleem Samad, M. Mumtaz Khan, Humaira
Rahman and event organizer Ahmar Mustikhan. |
in alphabetical order:
(Please note, this is a work-in-progress. I will
add items as I receive them.) |
Karim Abdian: Dr.
Karim Abdian is the executive director of Ahwaz Human
Rights Organization, an international advocacy NGO,
an advocacy organization for the rights of seven
million Ahwazi-Arab ethnic minority in Iran. An Aerospace
Engineer by profession, he was born and raised in
al-Ahwaz or Khuzestan, Arab region of Iran. He is
a PhD in International Economics and for the past
40 years, he has worked tirelessly and passionately
on behalf of the Ahwazi-Arabs, Azeri-Turks, Arabs,
Kurds, Baluch and Turkmen. He was imprisoned for
2 years in the infamous Evin prison during the Shah's
reign for these activities. He has worked closely
with UN Human Rights Commission, now Human Rights
Council, with UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous peoples
and with UN Minority Forum. Mr. Abdian and his wife
Tina live in suburbs of Washington D.C. Their two
children are Angela, 20, and Alex, 18. |
word doc |
video_part I
video_part II |
Dr. Gul Agha: Dr. Gul Agha is a well-known Computer
Scientist and Professor of Computer Science at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Agha
grew up in, and has traveled extensively throughout
Sindh, and all of South Asia. He has written numerous
short essays about Sindh and has lectured at many
Sindhi gatherings. He was the Guest of Honor ('Mukhi
Mehman') at the Sindhi New Year (Cheti Chand) celebration
organized by the Bharti Sindhu Sabha in Thane in
2000 (Mumbai, India). Dr. Agha is an outstanding
speaker whose expertise and personal experience enables
him to speak extensively on human rights and international
and domestic politics pertaining to Sindh and Baluchistan. |
clip I |
Ameeri: Ismail
Ameeri attended high school in port city of Chahbahar
and college in Zahedan in Western [Iranian occupied]
Baluchistan. After the 1979 Iranian mullah takeover,
he went to Karachi and earned his Master's degree
in Political Science from the University of Karachi
in 1985. In Karachi, he was actively involved in
Baloch politics and Balochi literary forums and
joined the Western Balochistan-based Balochistan
National Movement. He is presently a member of
the central and executive committees of the pro-independence
party. A writer in Balochi language, he had been
a co-editor of Monthly Taptan (Balochi). He regularly
chairs and moderates Baluch gatherings in London. |
click to read
word doc |
clip 1
video clip 2 |
Aziz Baloch: Aziz Baloch now lives in Vancouver,
British Columbia, where he represents the Baloch
Human Rights Council. He is MA (Economics) from University
of Balochistan and former zonal general secretary
of the Baloch Students Organization [BSO], a student
body engaged in in a struggle to secure the rights
of the Baloch people since 1967. He has an associate
degree in professional management and business technology
management and served as lecture coordinator in the
student program, inviting academics to speak on international
topics. A volunteer interpreter/translator for Baloch
community in Canada he is also a seasonal writer
-- his articles have been published in
and other websites. |
file |
Arjemandi: Ali Arjemandi
is a Norwegian Baloch human rights activist and a
political refugee from Iran. He is the brother of
Arjemandi, a Norwegian citizen who was disappeared
in Pakistan on August 7, 2009. |
word doc |
Ali Baloch: Mohammad Ali Baloch
is a spokesperson for the Balochistan Peoples Party
(Iran). |
to read
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clip (segment I) |
Baloch: Zaffar Baloch, intellectual
and English poet, is president of the Baloch Human
Rights Council, Canada chapter. |
click to read
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intro only |
Dr. Nazir S. Bhatti: Dr. Nazir S. Bhatti has been
campaigning for equal rights for Christian people
in Pakistan since 1985. He is president of Pakistan
Christian Congress [PCC] {See details}.
He led numerous protests, hunger strikes, rallies
and long marches with other leaders and members of
PCC to condemn discriminatory laws in Pakistan. Before
being forced to flee to US safety, he was arrested
many times. He contested the blasphemy law in Lahore
High Court and Supreme Court of Pakistan and has
challenged the Hadood Ordinance. The government of
Pakistan registered 21 false cases of treason and
blasphemy against him on February 13 1998, in Karachi,
for leading a protest against the burning of Christian
village Shanti Nagar by radical Muslims in Punjab. |
Deamer: Laurie
Deamer is presiding council member of the American
Friends of Balochistan. |
to read |
Andrew Eiva: Andrew Eiva was born of refugee parents
who fled tyranny in Lithuania, and learned early
on that resistance warfare could help his homeland
Lithuania regain independence. His quest took him
to West Point -- where U.S. generals are trained
-- and the Green Berets. He is best known for his
impact on policy and the selection of effective weapons
systems during Afghanistan's struggle against Red
Army occupation. Later in Lithuania, he led the volunteer
pro-independence forces in a showdown with Soviet
occupation forces. During the Serb ethnic cleansing
in the Balkans, he lobbied for military support for
the Bosnians and Kossovars. Currently, he is working
on a concept for the Sudanese resistance to use their
oil and gas reserves as a tool for unity and victory.
Eiva thinks a similar approach could benefit the
Baluch drive for independence. |
Part I
Part II
Part III
Selig S. Harrison: Selig S. Harrison, Asia director
at the Center for International Policy, has written
extensively on ethnic tensions in Pakistan, Afghanistan
and Iran , focusing on the Baluch nationalist struggle.
His 1980 book In Afghanistan?s Shadow: Baluch Nationalism
and Soviet Temptations, published by the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, remains the most
authoritative analysis of the Baluch nationalist
movement. He is the author of Pakistan: The State
of the Union, recently published by the Center for
International Policy, where he directs the Asia Program.
In this study, he calls on the government of Pakistan
to honor the autonomy provisions of the 1973 Constitution
and withdraw its armed forces and intelligence agencies
from Baluchistan .
Harrison served for 22 years as a Senior Associate
of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
and was South Asia and Northeast Asia Bureau Chief
of The Washington Post.
His five books on Asia include India: The Most Dangerous
Decades ( Princeton ) and The Widening Gulf: Asian
Nationalism and American Policy (Free Press). |
to read |
Johnson: Wendy
Johnson is a co-producer of the documentary 'The
Baluch' and has a Master's degree in Languages
and Literature of South Asia. |
click to read
word doc |
clip I
Video clip II |
Raja Karthikeya: Raja Karthikeya is a foreign policy
researcher based in Washington DC. He writes often
in South Asian and international media on security
issues in South Asia and Iran with a focus on the
role of ethnic political and nationalist movements
in insurgencies in the region. He also regularly
analyses South Asian politics and security issues
as well as US foreign policy towards the region for
Voice of America. He has served as an International
Affairs Fellow at the US House of Representatives,
has been an international election observer in Afghanistan
and has worked in the private and non-profit sectors
in North Africa, India and Afghanistan. |
click to read
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clip 1
video clip 2 |
M. Mumtaz Khan: M.Mumtaz Khan is vice chairman
of the International Kashmir Alliance. He started
his political activism as a student leader more than
a quarter century ago at the University of Karachi
and bravely faced the religious extremists.
He has given a voice to the people of Kashmir at
the UN Human Rights Council and boldly exposed Pakistan's
human rights violations in Pakistan occupied Kashmir
and Gilgit-Baltistan. He has tirelessly campaigned
at interational fora against terrrorism and machinations
of Pakistan's infamous Inter Services Intelligence
in Kashmir since 1990. He advocates a free, secular
and democratic Kashmir. |
T. Kumar: T. Kumar is the Advocacy Director for
International Issues for Amnesty International USA.
He has served as a human rights monitor in many Asian
countries as well as in Bosnia, Haiti, Guatemala,
and South Africa. He has also served as director
of several refugee ships and refugee camps. Kumar
often testifies before the U.S. Senate and House
of Representatives and frequently lectures at the
Foreign Service Institute. A former political prisoner
in Sri Lanka for more than five years, he has been
interviewed by CNN, BBC, and NPR. He is also a Professor
at Washington College of Law's Academy on Human Rights
and Humanitarian Law. |
Lalzad, PhD: Gulam Lalzad, PhD., is a veteran
Baluchi language broadcast journalist, now based
in Toronto. Mr. Lalzad is originally from Afghanistan.
He was with the Baluchi service of All India Radio
for 30 years. |
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clip |
Marri: Hyrbyair Marri is the
fifth son of veteran Baloch national leader Nawab
Khair Baksh Marri. Mr. Marri did his higher education
in Kabul, Afghanistan, and Russia, where he studied
journalism. In 1997 Mr. Marri took part
in Balochistan provincial elections, winning an
overwhelming majority of votes to become Minister
of Road and Communications in the Balochistan state
government in Pakistan.
1999, Mr. Marri sought
exile in the UK, the same year Musharraf
came into power through a military coup and dismissed
the government of Nawaz Sharif, including all
provincial governments.
On December 4, 2007, Hybyair Marri was arrested
at the behest of the military government of General
Pervez Musharraf and put in Britain’s high
security Belmarsh prison. He is the first Baloch
leader, along with Faiz Baluch, ever to serve prison
abroad for the Baloch cause. In February 2008 he
and Faiz Baluch were acquitted of terrorism charges
by a British jury. Mr. Marri remains steadfast in
his demand for an independent Balochistan. He is
open to the idea of a dialogue, but insists that
the issue of Balochistan’s
independence must be a part of any such talks. (full
to read
(for US event) |
Video (from London event) |
Munir Mengal: Munir Mengal is the managing director
of Baloch Voice based in Paris, France. He hails
from the remote Mashkay area in Awaran, Pakistan
Occupied Balochistan. He had planned to launch a
Balochi and Brohi language satellite TV channel called "Baloch
Voice." But Pakistani intelligence agencies abducted
him on April 4, 2006 and he was held incommunicado
and faced worst torture in a Pakistan military
dungeon for 16 months. After being freed on 23rd
April 2008, he came to France with the help of Reporters
Sans Frontieres. He has attended two UNHCR council sessions
and made speeches at events organized by the
UNPO and Interfaith International. |
file |
Mustikhan: Event organizer. Ahmar
Mustikhan, 50, is a veteran Baluch journalist,
now a worker for independent Baluchistan. He firmly
believes in unity of humankind -- Hindus, Jews, Christians,
Muslims, and all other faiths, beliefs -- and is
convinced balkanization of Pakistan is in humankind's
best interests. |
word doc |
Annie Nocenti: Annie Nocenti's writing has appeared
in Details, Utne, HEEB, Stop Smiling, PRINT, The
Independent, Filmmaker, Scenario, High Times, CounterPunch,
Lies of Our Times, Chronogram and Prison Life. Her
story The Most Expensive Road Trip in the World was
published in the Best Travel Writing 2008, editor
Anthony Bourdain. She has edited books for The Nation
and Her interviews with film directors
have been published and anthologized. Her comics
include Daredevil, Longshot, Typhoid Mary, and Spider-man.
Nocenti made a film with Wendy Johnson called The
Baluch and
wrote a story about her trip to Baluchistan: Nocenti
currently teaches film in Haiti. |
clip from remarks |
Naela Quadri:
Prof. Naela Quadri was born July 18, 1965 in Shaal
(Quetta) Eastern Balochistan. She worked at University
of Balochistan, Quetta, for 10 years but resigned in
protest against anti-Baloch policies of university
administration in 2002. She is a pioneer
and leader of Baloch women’s movement and
has 25 years of fearless struggle against honor
killing in Baluchistan behind her.
Prof. Quadri was a member of the Balochistan
National Party, but later joined the Baloch Republican
Party some months ago and is member of its central
committee. |
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Asad Rahman: Asad Rahman is program director at
the Sungi Development Foundation. He had taken part
in the Baluch resistance against the Pakistan military
occupation of Baluchistan along with the Marri guerillas
in 1973-77. He was the youngest but fittest in the
popular London Group, when at the age of 21, he used
to ambush the Pakistani military convoys and take
away ammunition from them to sustain the Baluch liberation
movement. An eyewitness to the "genocide" of the
Baluch in the 70s, Rahman alias Chakar Khan, is still
an ardent supporter of an independent Baluchistan.
He recalls Pakistan military brutality saying Baloch
women were used as 'comfort women' in military custody
and male fighters were captured and thrown down from
flying helicopters. |
doc |
Humaira Rahman: Humaira Rahman is general secretary
of the World Sindhi Institute. A former practicing
architect and lecturer, she is an environmental and
human rights activist. She had laucnhed a highly
successful non-profit against urban sprawl in her
hometown of Karachi. Ms. Rahman belongs to a well-known
family from Old Karachi, where her father and uncle
were respected for their community service as educationists
and jurists. Currently, she resides in Toronto, Canada. |
The article Ms. Rahman refers to, The self-determination
trap by Marc Weller, can be downloaded
here. |
video, part II
video, part III |
Saleem Samad: Saleem Samad, an Ashoka Fellow for
journalism, has co-authored several books on conflict,
terrorism and forced migration. He is President of
International Forum for Secular Bangladesh (Canada
Chapter), which recently held a day-long film event
on Bangladesh War Crimes in Toronto, Canada. In November
2002, he was detained and tortured by the Bangladesh
authority. His arrest invited international uproar
by rights groups. He is presently living in exile
in Canada, after security agencies harassed him for
his articles on the nexus of Bangladesh security
agencies with the Jihadists. He received Hellman-Hammett
Grants award by the New York based Human Rights Watch. |
R. Selle: Robert Selle has been a newspaper
and magazine journalist for 24 years. Most recently,
he has been editor of The World & I Online, a
monthly e-zine that focuses on current issues, world
cultures, the arts, and the sciences. He is also
editor of The Africa Dispatch, a newsletter that
presents positive news about Africa. He has been
a current issues editor for The World & I, a
monthly print magazine; a Special Sections editor
for The Washington Times daily newspaper; and managing
editor of the New York City Tribune, once a daily
based in Manhattan. He and his wife Angelika have
four children (3 sons and a daughter) and live in
Bowie, Maryland, just outside Washington, DC, where
he continues to edit and write. |
word doc |
Saghir A. Shaikh, PhD.: Saghir
A. Shaikh, Ph.D, is based in California . He is the
former chairman of the World Sindhi Congress -- a
Sindhi advocacy and educational organization with
chapters in UK, USA.. Dr. Shaikh has been active
in different social and political forums since he
was five. He is one of the founding members of Sindhi
Baloch Forum, G M Syed Memorrial Committee, Sojhro.Org
(an education and career abroad web portal), and
a life member of Sindhi Association of North America.
Dr Shaikh speaks regularly at seminar and conferences
to highligting the Sindh struggle for national self-determination
and Baluch fight for independence. |
file |
Sindhi Congress and various Baloch groups have
collaborated for a decade. Please visit this site
for event
information. |
Sobokssa: Feyera
Sobokssa, 48, is a member of the Oromo people in
Ethiopia who are strugging for the right to self-determination.
Mr. Sobokssa is a graduate from Addis Ababa University
with a BA degree in Accounting. After working
for Ethiopian Airlines for more than 18 years,
Mr. Sobokssa was forced to flee his country.
c |
to read |
clip |
Iqbal Tareen:
Mr. Iqbal Tareen was born
in Shikarpur, Sindh and graduated from Sindh University
Engineering College, Jamshoro. During his student
years, he actively participated in the movement
for the restoration of sovereignty of Sindh. Mr.
Tareen was the founding president of Jeay Sindh
Students Federation. During the regimes of Ayub
Khan, Yahya Khan and Z.A. Bhutto, he was incarcerated
for extended periods of time. In 1969, he was kept
in solitary confinement for seven months in the
notorious Central Prison of Multan.
In 1982,
Tareen migrated to the U.S. Currently, he is Vice
President of Sales and Marketing for a Richardson-based
IT and Telecom Solutions and Consulting Company
in Texas. Mr. Tareen is a human rights activist
who has also edited Sindh Monitor, a publication
voicing Sindhi-American opinion on issues relating
to Sindh and South Asia. As a Sindhi American,
he strongly supports an active American foreign
policy that takes a moral stand against dictatorial
regimes, ethnic cleansing, hate crimes and homegrown
and overseas terrorism.